Jesus is the gift

The season of gift giving and gift getting is upon us. probably happier than those of us who give and receive gifts at Christmas are those who sell these gifts to all of us. They indeed have something to celebrate at Christmas time.

Don’t we give the most valuable gifts to those who are closest to us, and to those who give us the best what they have done, or could do, for us?
It seems that we spend more on those who already have, less on those who do not have much; more on those who can give in return and less on those who can’t.

Is that how God gave his gift at Christmas?

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal  life.God gave his gift to those who were not his friends… infact they were living in eternity towards him. God gave his gift to those who had great need, even though they were not aware or willing to admit. God gave his gift to those who had given him nothing and had nothing worthwhile to give. God gave his gift to those who were poor, helpless, unable to repay. God gave his gift of equal value to everyone. How different would our list be if we decide to give the way jesus did? how different the experience of those who will receive?!

Jesus is the gift

Jesus is the gift that perfectly fits every hearts and it is with his love that all celebration starts. We rejoice in him as we remember his birth and thank God for sending his only son to earth. His life from a manger to a cross on a hill, where he faithfully followed his father’s perfect will. He freely laid down everything so that we could live and there is no greater treasure anyone could give. his love wrapped around the cross and he offered it to us all the greatest cost. So each time we give we remember what He’s done and honor the perfect Gift –God’s one and only son.
for God so loved the world that He gave…..(john 3:16)
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