The secret of being wiseman

The first  people to come and see jesus when he was born was the shepherds. An angel of God appeared to them and gave them the tidings of great joy. The glory of God surrounded  them and they saw a heavenly host praising God. These shepherds came with haste to see Jesus, but it is sad to observe that, unlike the wisemen, they gave absolutely nothing to jesus. The bible does not say that they bowed before him or worshipped him.

The wise men came to see jesus from a faraway land –that  itself was a sacrifice. And when they saw the child Jesus, they fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented  unto him gifts; gold and frankincense, and myrrh’(matt 2:11).

The shepherds did not offer anything to jesus and were not called wise men.however, the ones who came and worshipped Jesus and offered their treasures to him are called wisemen. Today too, many come  to Jesus like the shepherds –to receive some blessing; they cannot be called wiseman. But those who give their treasures to Jesus and worship him are indeed wiseman. Note that while those who give their gifts to Jesus are called wisemen, the rich man who kept everything to himself is called a fool! (LK12:20).

Presenting gold, frankincense and myrrh shows offering spirit, soul and body to Jesus. Gold, frankincense and myrrh also signify actknowledging Christ as king(gold), priest(frankincense) and prophet (myrrh). After the wisemen worshipped jesus, offering him their spirit, soul and body and  actknowledging him as king, priest and prophet, they did not have to meet Herod or obey him anymore-although he had demanded it(Matt 2:8,12) once we accept Christ as our All in all, Herod or satan has no authority over us and we are free from his power.

Those who worship Jesus giving him their all are still wisemen. Dear reader ,are you a wise man or a foolish man?
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